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Philosophy, History & Theming Your Classes: Continuing Education for Yoga Teachers
Welcome to Philosophy, History & Theming!
Welcome to The Kaivalya Yoga Method!
Meet Alanna Kaivalya, Ph.D.
Enjoy the Journey!
Dharma Talks and Themes
How to Build a Class Around a Theme (6:34)
What is Yoga?: History and Definition
What is Yoga? (16:28)
History of Yoga, Part One: Historical Context & Ancient Practices (13:31)
History of Yoga, Part Two: Four Main Types and Historical Development (29:01)
History of Yoga, Part Three: Development of Modern Yoga Practies (21:49)
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras
Yoga Sutra: History, Context and Mythology (25:18)
Yoga Sutra 1.1: Now Yoga Begins (8:39)
Yoga Sutra 1.2: Definition of Yoga (12:13)
Yoga Sutra 1.12: Do Your Practice (7:53)
Yoga Sutra 1.23: Devote Yourself to Yoga [Video] (7:51)
Yoga Sutra 1.27: Om is the Source [Video] (5:36)
Yoga Sutra 1.33: Dealing with Others (19:09)
Yoga Sutra 2.1: The Kriya Yoga Path [Video] (14:56)
Yoga Sutra 2.3: Obstacles to Yoga (25:26)
Yoga Sutra 2.29: The Eight Limbed Path (29:37)
Yoga Sutra 2.30: The Yamas (Restraints) (24:59)
Yoga Sutra 2.32: The Niyamas (Observances) (16:01)
Yoga Sutra 2.33: Change Your Mind (8:49)
Yoga Sutra 2.35: Meaning of Ahimsa [Video] (6:23)
Yoga Sutra 2.46: Defining Asana (3:20)
Yoga Sutra 4.7: The Law of Karma [Video] (8:08)
Yoga Sutra 4.15: Creating Your World [Video] (8:02)
Yoga Sutra 4.28: The Obstacle to Yoga [Video] (7:33)
Module 5: Philosophy, History & Theming [Bhagavad Gita]
The Bhagavad Gita: An Overview (25:34)
Gita Sutra 3.25: Wise or Unwise? (7:41)
Gita Sutra 4.7: Manifesting Greatness When Things Go Wrong (9:58)
Gita Sutra 4.20: Who Is Acting? [Video] (6:04)
Gita Sutra 4.24: Yogic Food Blessing [Video] (3:34)
Gita Sutra 6.29: Connecting With Your Bliss [Video] (5:09)
Gita Sutra 6.8: Equanimity of Mind (6:29)
Gita Sutra 9.26: A Perfect Offering (8:58)
Gita Sutra 9.29: In All Things [Video] (6:42)
Gita Sutra 10.25: Om is the Source [Video] (7:28)
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Hatha Yoga Pradipika: An Overview (6:55)
Pradipika Sutra 1.56: What is Hatha Yoga? (4:08)
Pradipika Sutra 4.1: Prayer to Internal Source (4:10)
Pradipika Sutra 4.93: Attaining a Calm Mind (4:09)
Pradipika Sutra 4.97: Connecting to Internal Source (3:24)
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Pradipika Sutra 4.1: Prayer to Internal Source
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