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Total Transformation: Bootcamp for the Soul
Introduction & Baseline Wellness Tests
Welcome to Your 4-Week Body/Mind/Spirit Challenge!
Wellness Baseline: Body
Wellness Baseline: Mind
Wellness Baseline: Spirit
Week 1: Tracking Your Baseline & Priming the Pump
Week One: Start with Simplicity
Lifestyle Shift: Meditation
Meditation Journal: Week One
Your New Yoga Sequences: How to Use Them
Warm Up: Lunge Stretch (6:02)
Simple Sun Salutation (5:55)
Cool Down: Relax the Back (7:26)
Shavasana: Let Go (10:22)
Guided 60 Minute Practice (65:17)
About Alanna Kaivalya
Week 2: Strength & Conditioning for Mind, Body & Spirit
Week Two: Ch-ch-ch-changes!
Meditation Journal: Week Two
Lifestyle Shift: Cultivating Gratitude & Connection
Your New Yoga Sequences: Week 2
Warm Up: Shoulder Stretch (5:28)
Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) A (4:12)
Standing Poses: Triangle Series (8:50)
Forward Bends: Core & Boat Series (4:53)
Backbends: Cobra, Locust & Bow (5:35)
Cool Down: Release the Hips (5:52)
Midpoint Wellness Updates
Wellness Midpoint: Body
Wellness Midpoint: Mind
Wellness Midpoint: Spirit
Week 3: Conquering Goals & Exceeding Expectations
Week Three: Shift Show
Meditation Journal: Week Three
Lifestyle Shift: Happiness as a Practice
Your New Sequences: Week 3
Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) B (5:37)
Standing Poses: Crescent Series (version 1 & 2) (19:51)
Standing Balance: Tree & Warrior 3 (4:49)
Forward Bends: The Sages (7:55)
Backbends: Frog, Hero & Camel (7:13)
Week 4: Yoga, Lifestyle & Transformation as a Way of Life
Week Four: The New (Yoga) You!
Meditation Journal: Week Four
Lifestyle Shift: Yoga For Life
Your New Yoga Sequences: Week 4
Standing Poses: Twisting Series (9:21)
Standing Balance: Big Toe & Moon Rise (4:43)
Forward Bends: Birds at the Gate (6:46)
Backbends: Jai Hanuman! (8:25)
Tracking Transformation: Final Wellness Check
Final Wellness Check: Body
Final Wellness Check: Mind
Final Wellness Check: Spirit
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Wellness Midpoint: Mind
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