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Theme Your Yoga Classes: Inspirations from the Myths
The Power of the Myths of Yoga
What is Myth? (18:10)
Defining the Hero
The Arc of Storytelling
Weaving Mythological Themes into Your (Teaching) Practice
A Primer on Yogic Mythology: Where it Comes From and Why it is Relevant for Us NOW (12:15)
Poses of the Yogi
Padmasana: Lotus Pose (23:58)
Anjali / Namaste Mudra: Hands in Prayer Position (16:58)
Chakrasana: Wheel Pose (7:12)
Trikonasana: Triangle Pose (8:11)
Siddhasana: Perfect Pose (8:43)
Dhanurasana: Bow Pose (11:26)
Balasana: Child's Pose (4:11)
Dandasana: Staff Pose (5:07)
Poses of the Gods
Natarajasana: King Dancer Pose (27:55)
Virabhadrasana I, II & III: Warrior Poses (15:07)
Hanumanasana, Anjaneyasana, & Virasana: Poses for Hanuman (the Monkey God) (16:55)
Halasana: Plow Pose (3:31)
Kurmasana: Tortoise Pose (6:30)
Garudasana: Eagle Pose (6:09)
Simhasana: Lion Pose (5:40)
Poses of the Sages
Bharadvajasana: Half-Lotus Seated Twist (8:53)
Koundinyasana: Straight-Legged Side Crow Pose (5:14)
Vasisthasana: Side Plank Pose (9:15)
Astavakrasana: Eight Angle Pose (4:26)
Vishvamitrasana: Side Angle Balance Pose (5:03)
Animals & Earth
Matsyasana: Fish Pose (8:44)
Chandrasana & Ardha Chandrasana: Moon & Half Moon Pose (6:30)
Bhujangasana: Cobra Pose (3:48)
Mayurasana: Peacock Pose (7:19)
Hamsasana: Swan Pose (5:07)
Tadasana: Mountain Pose (3:28)
Vrksasana: Tree Pose (4:59)
Gomukhasana: Cow Face Pose (3:42)
Bakasana: Crane Pose (6:55)
Shavasana: Corpse Pose (4:38)
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Siddhasana: Perfect Pose
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