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Applied Yoga Mobility Certification
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Bonus Applied Yoga Integration eBook
Hip Mobility
Hip 1. Supine Hip Circles (6:04)
Hip 2. Closing Angle Pain: Block Lunge (4:03)
Hip 3. Supine Hamstring Stretch. Supta Padangusthasana 1-3. Passive and Active (6:23)
Hip 4. Hip Distraction from Supta Pada 1-3 (5:51)
Hip 5. Supine Hip Circles with Straight Leg (6:30)
Hip 6. Abduction, Fire Hydrants and Goddess Pose (10:31)
Hip 7. Hip Circles and Joint Articulation From Table (6:47)
Hip 8. 90:90 Internal and External Rotation (6:15)
Hip 9. Half Moon (Ardha Chandrasana) and Abduction Strength (4:37)
HipBonus 1. External Rotation From Simple Crossed Legs (1:49)
HipBonus 2. External Rotation with a block (1:46)
Hip Module Quiz
Sacroiliac Joint, Glute Strength and Hamstring Length
SI 1. Triangle Prep: Parsva Hasta Padasana (4:28)
SI 2. Warrior 2: Virabhadrasana II (1:41)
SI 3. Side Flank Pose: Parsvakonasana (3:37)
SI 4. Bridge Pose (6:25)
SI 5. Locust Pose/Prone Leg Lift: Salabhasana (8:53)
SI 6. Standing Forward Fold: Uttanasana (3:22)
SI 7. One Legged Forward Bend: Parsvottanasana (2:43)
SI 8. Feet Wide Apart Hamstring Stretch: Parsvottanasana (2:45)
SI 9. One Legged Hamstring Stretch on 3 Planes: Supta Padangusthasana I, II, III (4:45)
SI 10. Seated Wide Angle Pose: Upavistha Konasana (4:31)
Sacroiliac Joint, Glute Strength and Hamstring Length Quiz
Back Line Strength
Back Line 1. Standing Bird Dogs and Half Forward Fold (Ardha Uttanasana) (7:34)
Back Line 2. Warrior 3 With Support (2:21)
Back Line 3. Chair Pose: Utkatasana (2:31)
Back Line 4. Legs Wide Apart Forward Fold: Prasarita Padottanasana (2:45)
Back Line 5. Locust Pose: Salabhasana (7:49)
Back Line 6. Locust Pose (Salabhasana) with Partners (2:25)
Back Line 7. Sphinx Pose with Movement (4:02)
Back Line 8. Upward Table: Purvottanasana (3:36)
Back Line Strength Quiz
Knee 1. Hydration, Articulation and Assessment (4:00)
Knee 2. Straightening the Back of the Knee, Strengthening the Front: Parsvottanasana (4:52)
Knee 3. One legged Down Dog (2:52)
Knee 4. Warrior II (4:32)
Knee 5. One Legged Plank Pose (1:46)
Knee 6. Short Arc Quads (1:38)
Knee 7. Hero's Pose: Virasana: Full Knee Flexion (6:10)
Knee 8. Eccentric Knee Lunges (3:23)
Knee Quiz
Abs 1. Legs in the air. Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (4:34)
Abs 2. Plank Pose (1:37)
Abs 3. Boat Pose. Navasana (2:50)
Abs 4. Dead Bug (2:04)
Abs Quiz
Shoulder 1. Scapular Motions (5:41)
Shoulder 2. Scapular Motions 2.0 (7:17)
Shoulder 3. Scapular Motions with Weight Bearing (5:25)
Shoulder 4. Glenohumeral Joint (9:20)
Shoulder 5. Gomukhasana. Cow Face Pose aka Appley's Scratch Test (7:52)
Shoulder 6. Gomukhasana Active: Lower and Upper Arm (4:41)
Shoulder 7. Chest/Shoulder Opener with Clasped Hands (2:13)
Shoulder 8. Arms up in the air: Urdvha Hastasana (4:25)
Shoulder 9. Arms at a T (3:08)
Shoulder Quiz
Neck 1. Neck Circle Assessment (9:29)
Neck 2. Pec Minor Massage w/ball (2:06)
Neck 3. Cervical Traction (2:38)
Neck 4. Working with C7. Dowager's Hump (2:45)
Neck 5. MIlitary Neck. Atlanto-Occipital Joint (4:31)
Neck Quiz
Thoracic Spine/Spinal Segmentation
T-Spine 1. Cat/Cow Spinal Segmentation (6:31)
T-Spine 2. Passive Thoracic Extension with Blankets (10:12)
T-Spine 3. Passive Thoracic Extension with Blocks (4:59)
T-Spine 4. Backbend with Chair (4:30)
T-Spine 5. Active Backbends: Scapular Training: Parsvottanasana Prep (4:46)
T-Spine 6. Active Extension Through Prasarita Padottanasana (3:25)
T-Spine 7. Prone Push Up: Cobra Pose Prep: Bhujangasana (3:21)
T-Spine 8. Full Cobra Pose: Bhujangasana (5:23)
T-Spine 9. Bridge Pose with Partners (3:11)
T-Spine Bonus. Posture. Mountain Pose. Tadasana (4:46)
Thoracic Spine/Spinal Segmentation Quiz
Breath Work, Diaphragm Mechanics and Conscious Relaxation
Breath 1. Pranayama/Conscious Relaxation (20:30)
Breath 2. Shallow Diaphragmatic Breath (17:07)
Breath 3. Deep Diaphragmatic Breath (7:36)
Breath 4. Deep Diaphragmatic Breath 2.0 (10:38)
Breath 5. Seated Breath Work Visualization
Breathe 6. Bringing Breath to Asana (19:01)
Breath 7. Restorative Practice
Breath Quiz
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Breath 4. Deep Diaphragmatic Breath 2.0
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